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1463370cookie-checkFar Cry 5 Video Kills Some Dogs, Frees Hostages, And Shoots Some Cultists

Far Cry 5 Video Kills Some Dogs, Frees Hostages, And Shoots Some Cultists

Some new gameplay footage of Far Cry 5 has emerged courtesy of some demonstrations being on display at this year’s PAX West in Seattle, Washington. Some members of the press who actually have some level of competency at playing video games were invited into Ubisoft’s suite to play the game and share the footage with the public.

Online outlet SKNR managed to post the footage online, giving gamers a look at the upcoming first-person shooter via a 13 minute gameplay session.

The footage takes place in the city of Fall’s End, which only has a population of 38 people. Technically that would be the kill count in a small doom level.

After tweaking the controls and grabbing a shotgun, the player moves in and proceeds to engage the cult.

The shootout is pretty tame and quite stilted. However, we do get to see how air raids come into play, where the player calls in some help to offer aerial support. It’s fairly underwhelming given that the bullets from the plane don’t leave any sort of parallax decals on the side of the building, which makes it seem extremely stilted.


We also get to see where a black guy cultist has some chick kneeling down and tied up. One can only imagine what he was planning on doing.

Much like other Far Cry games or Assassin’s Creed, this upcoming open-world outing utilizes Ubisoft’s tried and true liberation mechanics, where you kill some bad guys and free the town.

We then get to see another mission where the player goes on a bombing raid and have to destroy a few silos. You’ll need to use the Bomber View by holding down L2 to target the ground objectives. The guy handing out the missions sounds an awful lot like Scooter from Borderlands.

The plane physics are extremely loose and arcade-like to ensure that even five-year-olds will be able to play it with ease.

The video rounds out with an aerial dogfight between a pilot from Eden’s Gate and the player.

Far Cry 5 is due for release on Xbox One, PS4 and PC starting in February , 2018.

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