The Walking Dead alum, Steven Yeun, has a new movie on the horizon called Mayhem. The comedy-thriller is like a mix of The Purge and James Gunn’s The Belko Experiment.
The movie is about a dude (Yeun) who gets fired one day while working at a highly competitive corporate outfit. The white-collar Yeun doesn’t have time to leave the office, because a highly volatile biotoxin is released in the air, causing people to become highly aggressive and violent, removing inhibitions to keep their baser instincts intact. This leads to a battle royale showdown within the office environment, where people begin a bloody battle to survive until the drug wears off.
You can check out the bloody-gory trailer courtesy of MovieAccess Trailers.
The plot is literally a mix of The Purge and The Belko Experiment fused together. I can’t say for certain if that’s a good or bad thing. In the case of the Belko Experiment the movie’s appeal was in the tense decision making that the characters were coerced to make against their own desires. The fact that the characters tried using common sense and escape the situation (well, some of them) made the whole thing quite thrilling.
Of course, The Belko Experiment wasn’t an overtly gory film. Most of the violence came in the form of gunshot wounds and the little explosive devices located in the heads of the employees. In the case of Mayhem the violence spawns from the aggressive toxins making the employees super aggressive and very violent.
The motivations to kill in Mayhem are also far more similar to the motivated kills from The Purge: envy, resentment, hatred, spite, etc.
I don’t know if it will be a better film than the other two close relatives, but it looks like it’s shot nice, and there’s a good mixture of dark contrasting hues along with segments where the colors really pop. It also looks like it’s filmed well enough to look like a grade above a DTV flick.
You can look for Mayhem to launch sometime this year.