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1540880cookie-checkNintendo Switch Sold 2.9 Million In Japan; Super Mario Odyssey Sold 1 Million In Japan
Industry News

Nintendo Switch Sold 2.9 Million In Japan; Super Mario Odyssey Sold 1 Million In Japan

Famitsu has detailed the sales of Super Mario Odyssey and Nintendo’s Switch sales in Japan. The latest Switch single-player adventure title and the unique Switch platform have, according to Famitsu, both topped over one million units and then some in Japan.

That’s right, the number often referred to as one thousand thousand or ten lac and more has appeared for the single-player game with co-op elements with Cappy throughout: Super Mario Odyssey.

The same applies to the Big N’s new device the Switch. This information comes straight from and revolves around physical sale figures and not digital numbers in Japan.

For starters, we learn that Super Mario Odyssey has reached over 1,055,806 in Japan. The given sales figure dates from Super Mario Odyssey’s October 27th release date up until now. It should be noted that download sales have not been accounted for, which could be near or far greater than the numbers displayed, according to the latest Famitsu sales report.

The publication site also pulled up the numbers for the Nintendo Switch, which the device managed to pull in over 2,988,399 units in Japan since the hardware launched on March 3rd. Famitsu, the publication site, notes that the system sold 230,000 units as of last week.

It’s worth noting that the publication site did not detail worldwide sales for Super Mario Odyssey, but we do know that the Nintendo Switch has moved over 10 million units worldwide. This information comes from back on December 12th.

It’ll be interesting to see what will come of this situation regarding Super Mario Odyssey and the Switch now that we are in holiday season? Given that more publishers and developers are taking note of the Switch’s success only means that more people will consider purchasing the nifty device.

You can read over or translate the report that posted up about Super Mario Odyssey and the Nintendo Switch sales over in Japan by visiting the given link.

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