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1546410cookie-checkDefunct, Sonic-Inspired Platformer Launches For PS4, Coming Soon To Xbox One X

Defunct, Sonic-Inspired Platformer Launches For PS4, Coming Soon To Xbox One X

Soedesco and Freshly Squeezed announced that Defunct, the 3D racing platformer that came out back in 2016 for PC, has finally made its way to the PlayStation 4. The game puts players in the role of a broken robot racing through a post-apocalyptic Earth in hopes of getting back to his ship.

The game was themed after Sonic video games, and aims to capture the sort of gameplay and unbridled speed that gamers crave from the blue hedgehog. Only this time around you’re a robot with a uni-wheel for transportation and the ability to grapple line-rails and speed through environments while pulling off sick stunts.

If you haven’t seen what Defunct looks like in action, you can check out the trailer below.

Visually it looks like a game from the OG Xbox. That’s not too bad if you don’t mind retro graphics. However, gameplay wise it’s similar to the likes of Mad Dash meets Uniracers.

We don’t oftentimes get 3D platformers themed around speed, usually due to the way 3D character physics handle and how difficult it is to make the physics work right.

We’ve seen time and time again with the newer Sonic games how difficult it is to nail that perfect formula when combining speed with 3D platforming. The depth, perception of space, and constant fighting with the camera can make for platforming difficult when combined with high velocity. 3D platforming definitely works better when it’s slowed down and moving at a methodical pace that gamers have time to see and react to.

For Defunct, however, Freshly Squeezed decided to go a slightly different route by mixing the platforming with stunts. You’re not just trying to hop from one area to the next, but rather mixing and matching jumps and bumps with stunts and tricks. The platforming is more about transitional timing than it is about fighting with the camera to get into the right position to clear the gap.

In a way, it reminds me a little bit of Jet Set Radio, how the game focused its platforming based on building up momentum, so timing was based on speed and chaining together combos rather than relying solely on perfect positioning and camera work.

An Xbox One version of Defunct is also in the works, and will also support both Xbox Play Anywhere and enhanced Xbox One X features for those of you who have Microsoft’s newest console refresh.

You can pick up a digital copy of Defunct right now for PC or PS4 for $9.99, or learn more by visiting the official website.

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