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1547510cookie-checkMetro: Exodus Map Size Will Be Bigger And Offer More Sandbox Gameplay Than Previous Games

Metro: Exodus Map Size Will Be Bigger And Offer More Sandbox Gameplay Than Previous Games

Metro Exodus developer 4A Games took up an interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine UK to talk about Metro Exodus map size and how the upcoming title will have more sandbox gameplay experiences.

If you are looking forward to the post-apocalyptic first-person shooter Metro Exodus, which is set to come out this year for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, there’s good news for you.

4A Games struck up an interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine UK that happens to be featured in issue #145 (of February 2018), detailing some things about Metro Exodus‘ world.

Breaking radio silence, GameRant reports that Metro Exodus executive producer, Jon Bloch, revealed that the game in question will be much bigger than previous titles in the series in many ways.

One example provided by Bloch is that each city in the game will be three or four square kilometers, which will make them the largest areas created under 4A Games’ belt.

Bloch also made mention that cities will be filled with things to do and activities that shouldn’t make the game feel empty. Additionally, this was followed up with Bloch saying:

“The mix of classic Metro gameplay with these new sandbox environments provide a lot more freedom and options to the player while still maintaining what we think makes our previous games so enjoyable.”

Bloch went on to explain that players will find new and familiar things in Metro Exodus:

“Encounter new societies, religions, ways of life, environments, monsters, and mutants. Some will seem familiar in some ways and some will be completely new.”

Looking back to cities, players will be able to interact with new characters in these locations, which adds to the game’s script. On the topic of scripts, Bloch noted that Metro Exodus’ script is far bigger:

“Larger than both Metro 2033‘s and Metro: Last Light‘s scripts combined, including all DLC.


Choosing when and how to approach different situations will have measurable effects on the players experience while completing tasks”.

Interested in Metro Exodus? Publisher Deep Silver is set to release the game this year for PC and home consoles. The official E3 gameplay trailer lies below for the curious.

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