LCG Entertainment is now Telltale Games… or rather, Telltale Games and its assets, select intellectual properties, and its technology were purchased by LCG Entertainment. The holding company plans on re-releasing select games, as well as “streamlining” business growth with new IP.
The news comes courtesy of a press release, where it was announced that the holding company has stepped in to help regrow Telltale.
According to new CEO Jamie Ottilie, it was explained in the press statement…
“All of us were big fans of the games Telltale created, as we strongly believe in games as a storytelling medium and nobody did it better. Even now, when you see a game with strong narrative, it’s always compared to Telltale, so it’s no surprise that players and industry colleagues alike mourned the studio’s closure. We believe there is still so much life to the brand and its franchises, and we look forward to building upon the company’s storytelling legacy.”
The headquarters has been moved to Malibu, California, with Jamie Ottilie and Brian Waddle heading up core day-to-day operations. They’re also partnered with Chris Kinglsey, Lyle Hall, Tobias Sjögren, and Anthlon Games, the latter of whom is responsible for helping establish live services for upcoming games like the new Lord of the Rings MMO being co-published by Amazon.
They don’t list which properties that Telltale will be reviving, but I’m pretty sure the licensed brands such as Batman, The Walking Dead, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Game of Thrones are all off the table… for now. This means they either need to revive their classic properties like Sam & Max and The Wolf Among Us, or start negotiating for new properties.
There’s no due date on when the new Telltale will start producing titles or when the games will be made available again on digital distributors, but I wonder if LCG will have learned the lessons from the old Telltale and avoid chasing after phantom audiences with mediocre titles designed to court less than 1% of the consumer demographic? It was a mass miscalculation on Telltale’s part that led to their downfall and their eventual entry on the Get Woke; Go Broke master list.
I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
(Thanks for the news tip MaverickHL)