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David Cage Says He Wouldn’t Mind Experimenting With Shorter Titles Moving Forward

David Cage wishes to shorten his interactive movies… I mean, games if the following interview holds any weight between the head of Quantic Dream and website Only Single Player.

Not too long ago, we reported on Cage wanting Quantic Dream to self-publish games and share their equipment, resources, and experience in the games industry with other developers. This is all an attempt on Quantic Dream’s part to become a publisher that produces “original, innovative, and high-quality” content.

Recently, website had the chance to sit down with Cage and got his take on the length of future titles.

When the site asked Cage whether he would consider a shorter format for his upcoming games, here’s his response:

“[…] We would consider any type of format in the future, as long as it makes sense from a creative point of view and for our players. I would really like to work on shorter experiences to experiment with new ideas, but in reality, it remains to be seen whether there is a market for such experiences.”

Although not officially sold on the prospect, Cage notes that shorter games are something that he will keep an eye on:

“Many titles suffered trying to experiment with shorter formats, so I would say that this is something we’ll keep an eye on, but we will need to find an experience that is perfectly suited before experimenting with a shorter format.”

The full interview between Cage and the publication site is set to go live later this week — where the head of Quantic Dream will talk about his past titles and more.

The last Cage interview with GameSpot ( revealed nothing is happening right now aside from Cage trying to get something started as we speak:

“No, we don’t have any announcement to make, but we are very actively working on this right now, and it’s so exciting, really exciting.”

So there you have it. No announcements are around the corner right now, but if something does come up, you can expect his next interactive movie… I mean, game to experiment with a shorter run-time.

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