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Industry News

Suda51 and Swery Announce Hotel Barcelona During Live-Stream

During a livestream with IGN Japan, famous developers Suda51 and Swery announced their brand new survival horror game Hotel Barcelona. Not many details were made available as the game is in its initial planning stages, but the news breaking itself caused a bit of hilarity to ensue on twitter.

Initial reports were slightly off. While the details of the project are accurate what was lost in translation was that the developers were going to seek publishing through Devolver Digital, not that a deal had already been signed. Surprised by what everyone assumes was a deal signed by Fork Parker without Nina’s involved the publisher was taken aback by the news, but are having a good time with the mistake.

Going so far as to tweet the developer to reach out to them to pitch them this new “mysterious game” that they’re supposed to be publishing.  Never let it be said Devolver Digital doesn’t understand the medium of social media and how to work it to their advantage.

Beyond the little reporting snafu what is known about the game rather vague at the moment. It will have a proposed budget of a million dollars hoping to have Devolver Digital as their publisher. It will be inspired by games like Siren and other works of fiction like Twin Peaks. During the live stream the two developers texted Keiichiro Toyama the creator of Siren and Silent hill to see if he would jump in on the project and he texted back that he would.

Those concerned about the possibility of mobile need understand that as the big console manufacturers collapse in Japan, many developers have begun releasing full games on mobile phones. Right now most phones posses more processing power than the PS4 and Xbox One and are in the hands of millions of Japanese. This doesn’t necessarily mean the game will be on phones, as Nintendo has weathered this storm and PC continues to be a growing powerhouse in Japan. These platforms are right in line with Devolver Digital’s lineup, so if a deal is struck we are likely looking at PC and Switch release. Also unlike in the states when a Japanese developer releases a game on mobile it’s a game, not a money milking machine.

Of all the ways for a game to be announced this is hands down the most unique that’s occurred in a while. Big names are involved and the manner it was announced is comically representative of today’s communication methods. If the developers manage to strike a deal with Devolver Digital we’ll keep you informed.

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