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David Cage Says Quantic Dream Will Self-Publish From Here On Out

The man obsessed with shower scenes best known as David Cage announced mid-last year that his company, Quantic Dream, would venture into self-publishing after dropping Sony as an exclusive distributor. And as of now, Cage says that fans should expect to see Quantic Dream self-publish various games moving forward.

After teaming up with Chinese publisher NetEase and taking the Epic Games Store’s timed exclusive money, it looks like Cage wants to explore other areas without the help of Sony.

And it looks like the whole “self-publishing” initiative will happen next-gen when the PS5 and Xbox Series X drops, seeing that those two consoles have captured his attention according to a new write-up.

In other words, Cage seeks to publish his own work (through Quantic Dream) and help others publish games on PC, home consoles, and mobile devices.

Website has a piece up covering what Cage had to say about Quantic Dream’s new direction, which will preserve the company’s independence for next-gen:

“This new venture will allow us to make decisions in total independence, and to address the technological and strategic opportunities of next-generation platforms.”

According to Cage, he thinks that this move will make sure that gamers know that Quantic Dream isn’t “just another studio” but one that makes “innovative” and “ambitious” projects:

“This is more than an evolution — it is a transformation. We are doing this to preserve our freedom and our independence, to continue working on innovative and even more ambitious projects, to address greater challenges, and to create the unexpected. Quantic Dream will never be just another studio. We want to face new horizons, to keep our passion alive, and keep trusting in the idea of making games that are different.”

I highly doubt anything substantial will come out of this “new” and improved Quantic Dream, but time will tell.

Last but not least, if you are wondering what this all means, it means that Mr. Cage and his “wonderful writing skills” will self-publish games and help publish other titles across PC, consoles, and mobile devices.

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