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Street Fighter V Champion Edition Has Disc-Locked Content

All the DLC for Street Fighter V Champion Edition is on the disc but it’s locked until you use a voucher to unlock the content when you go online. This means that anyone who purchases a resold copy of the Champion Edition won’t be able to access any of the characters that weren’t included in the original vanilla version of Street Fighter V.

Twitter user Voice of Fanservice linked to a video posted up on YouTube by Chrono-Geek.

What’s significant about the video? Well, i’s about thet unboxing of the physical version of the game on the PS4, and it contains a voucher with a digital code that must be redeemed in order to access all the content on the disc.

It’s just barely four and a half minutes and verifies that all the character files are on the disc but inaccessible until you use the voucher code, reminiscent of Street Fighter X Tekken for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, which came out back in 2012.

As you can see, only the default characters from the vanilla version of Street Fighter V are available. If you attempt to select any of the DLC characters without using the voucher, an error message appears under the character selection that says “Your selection is currently unavailable.”

We know that the models are on the disc because as he’s scrolling through the character list, one of the latest characters, Urien, loads up near the end of the video.

This is the second time that Capcom has pulled the scam of including all of the characters on the disc, charging full price for the game, yet restricting access to said characters unless you have the voucher code.

For those of you who don’t remember, Street Fighter X Tekken featured 12 characters already on the disc but you had to pay to unlock them.

When hackers found out about it they put together unlock guides to help people access the characters on the disc without having to pay for them. Back then many YouTubers like Angry Joe also took Capcom to task for locking all the content on disc, having a separate price tag for DLC on a disc you already paid $60 for.

It looks like Capcom is going back to their old stomping grounds by charging full price for the physical retail version of Street Fighter V Champion Edition even though you can’t access any of the DLC without the voucher. Now the good part for those who buy it new is that at least the package comes with the voucher. The bad part is that you have to be online to access the content.

What this means is that used copies of Street Fighter V Champion Edition are the same as the vanilla version of Street Fighter V, and worse yet is that if the servers ever go down you won’t be able to access any of the content thereafter. Your retail disc isn’t quite a coaster but it darn sure is close enough.

Street Fighter V Champion Edition is available right now on PS4. Expect the usual suspects to run to Capcom’s defense, even though there’s really nothing to defend here.

(Thanks for the news tip MSD)

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