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Industry News

KiwiFarms Owner Josh Moon Banned From Twitter

Josh Moon has recently been talking up his alternative to imageboards such as 8kun and 4chan, the latter of whom have gone down the road of dictators, enacting censorship standards on a number of topics. In 8kun’s case they recently banned loli content, and in 4chan’s case they ban all manner of content, including people who make comments using language they don’t approve of because they claim that it “isn’t the comments section of oneangrygamer”. Well, during his promotional posts for 9chan, Twitter permanently suspended Moon’s account.

Killerstream host Ethan Ralph informed the wider public about the ban just ahead of having Moon on the Killstream.

You can view the latest Killstream report featuring the discussion about Moon and his ban over on The Ralph Retort’s page.

As for Moon’s Twitter account, if you attempt to visit the page, Leviticus19_18, all you’ll receive is a notice saying the account has been suspended.

The suspension came sometime during April 23rd, 2020.

Apparently one of the last tweets on his timeline was in relation to what sort of content would appear on 9chan, and there are a couple of comments responding to Moon’s tweet.

The very same day that Moon got suspended from Twitter he exposed registrar provider for their unprofessional antics in dropping the domain in a cowardly act fueled by the same people who targeted 8chan and the Daily Stormer.

Former 8chan administrator Fredrick Brennan screen-capped Moon’s tweets before the account was suspended, where Moon discussed how Epik tried to drop them but he managed to get control of the domain and setup forwarding to

Basically, the systematic censorship and attempts to deplatform anyone who isn’t kowtowing to the establishment’s agenda will continue.

For some reason the people who use the imageboards and counter-culture sites think that they’re safe from the deplatforming activists and immune to the censorship brigades, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

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