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1486900cookie-checkScrapnaut, Steampunk Survival Farming Game Announced For PC

Scrapnaut, Steampunk Survival Farming Game Announced For PC

Polish outfit RockGame has been on a roll lately with making headlines and getting their name out there. Recently they were behind the frehsly announced Cowboy Life Simulator, which is being published by PlayWay, as well as Ninja Simulator, but separate from that they’ve announced that they’re stepping into the publisher’s roll to help get SpiffyBit’s Scrapnaut up and out for PC.

The game is a top-down, steampunk, survival farming simulator, where you not only have to brave the environment, survive through the harsh conditions of different biomes and scavenge for food and supplies, but you’ll also have to maintain and grow your own farm.

This mixed-genre title is currently in development and they have plans on launching it on PC at some point during the fourth quarter of 2020. You can check out a trailer to get an idea of what the general gameplay loops will be like.

It’s like Don’t Starve meets Torchlight.

The combat looks a little stiff and the fighting animations aren’t all that thrilling, but the overall concept is quite unique.

In order to grow and protect your farm you’ll have to venture out to gather supplies. Some of the items you’ll need to craft for your ever-growing base will require you to travel through different biomes, where you’ll face off against other enemies both of an organic and of a robotic nature.

Your farm will also require you to defend it from intruders, who will attempt to break down your walls and crush all your livestock and plants.

The combat loop will rely on decent weapons and armor, so this also feeds into the incentive to venture out from your farm to find better materials and supplies to upgrade your gear.

I’m not all that into farming sims, but I do like the steampunk approach to Scrapnaut.

We’ll see what else the game has to offer as it draws closer towards its release. In the meantime you can wishlist or follow the game by visiting the Steam store page.

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