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Industry News

Sony Is No Longer In The Handheld Business Anymore, Says Sony CEO Jim Ryan

If you are a fan of handheld devices, or in particular, products from Sony and its social justice policies, then you will find that the area for similar things to the PS Vita is empty. Sony Interactive CEO, Jim Ryan, claims that Sony is no longer in the handheld business anymore.

Back in 2018, Hiroyuki Oda — known as Sony Interactive Entertainment senior vice president — was asked a few questions about if there would be a successor to the PS Vita.

Oda confirmed to that as far as successors are concerned they have no plans for any follow-up to the PS Vita. In other words, Sony looked at the handheld device as a dead animal that would only rot going forward.

With that said, recently sat down with Jim Ryan to talk all things Sony and achieving a 25-year long run milestone. One of the many questions revolved around the thing that receives no love from Sony and Ryan’s thoughts on the device.

Here’s what Ryan had to say about the dead device and if Sony would give it a sibling:

“PlayStation Vita was brilliant in many ways, and the actual gaming experience was great, but clearly it’s a business that we’re no longer in now.”

For those who have been around the life cycle of the PS Vita will know that Sony’s priority for the device is leftover scraps. Of course, though, some third-party publishers have attempted to keep the Vita alive with stuff here and there, but the above message is letting fans of Sony know that no PS Vita system is coming any time soon.

Moving forward, expect other stuff like the PS4 and PS5 to have Sony’s support, but if you are holding your breath on something akin to a follow-up of the aforesaid dead device to appear in 2020 and/or beyond, you’re likely in trouble.

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