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Fire Emblem Heroes Communications Error Hampers Early Fun For Mobile Release

A lot of gamers are trying to get in on the Fire Emblem Heroes action on mobile devices following the game’s release on app stores the world around. However, before being able to hop into the mobile title and take part in the heroic adventures offered up from the Nintendo title, a slight communications error seems to be hampering some of the early fun for mobile gamers.

The game’s recent release saw a surge of gamers flooding the app stores, aiming to download a digital copy of the game and play it on phones. However, many gamers were met with a communications error once they finally booted the game up and were given support code: 803-0003.

The popularity of the game managed to get a hashtag trending, with thousands of people giving their say with their experience with Fire Emblem Heroes… only, it’s filled with a bunch of people having trouble connecting to the servers and being met with some unfortunate error codes as the servers flood with new players.

The hashtag, as of the writing of this article, sees plenty of people talking more about support code 803-0003 instead of their gaming experience.

Seeing the game trend for mobile devices instantly made me think that there would be tons of images, videos and clips from various gamers sharing their experience on social media with everyone else, but alas there were just more error codes.

The error knows no bounds, finding ways to attack Polish gamers, German, Swedish gamers and even Spanish gamers. The hashtag is filled with support code 803-0003.

Much like Pokemon Go I imagine Nintendo will get the server issue sorted out so people can finally boot the game up and hop into Fire Emblem Heroes for Android and iOS devices.

For now you can retry connecting until you finally get in, but like most popular Nintendo titles, the servers are likely going to be busy for a while.

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