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Ultimate ADOM Coming To PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch In Late 2018

Thomas Biskup made an announcement at the Roguelike Celebration in San Francisco, California, confirming that the team is currently hard at work on Ultimate Ancient Domains of Mystery. The team are completely redoing the graphics and core aesthetics within the Unity 3D game engine, giving the classic 1994 rogue-like a visual overhaul for its impending fourth quarter release in 2018 for the Nintendo Switch, mobile devices, PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

In the press release Biskup explains that he’s always wanted to make a new successor to ADOM but was hampered by the codebase and internal engineering of the classic title. Well, with today’s technology he was able to rebuild the core of the game that everyone fell in love with more than 20 years ago, but also update it to accommodate the current trends of today’s gaming expectations.

Biskup states…

“Time and time again, I considered writing a true successor to ADOM. However, its 25-year-old codebase – with a rather complex internal architecture – usually got in the way of a straightforward sequel. And so the idea for Ultimate ADOM was born – the most recent attempt to create the ultimate roguelike RPG based on Unity / C#. With a truly multi-platform programming environment – including support for all modern platforms and a customized Entity-Component-Architecture that I developed over the past 12 months – Ultimate ADOM will be based around one generic game/rules engine with ultimate customizability for different platforms and play styles.”

Back in 2012 they were successful in crowdfunding a remake that was released on digital platforms back in November of 2015. It features updated graphics and improved gameplay, but the reactions to the previous do-over are somewhat mixed due to complex playability and less-than-user-friendly setups. Repetition and bugs also factored into the equation.

Hopefully all of that is resolved with the 2018 remake of Ultimate ADOM.

The game will feature 12 different star signs, 12 different races, and 22 different character classes to choose from, giving you a total of more than 3,000 different combinations when it comes to your character base. There’s also a fully procedurally randomized world with countless dungeons, more than 460 monsters to battle, 47 spells to learn, 41 skills to master, and 100 talents to acquire.

One of the things that will be new to Ultimate ADOM is a “flexible” RPG system designed both for veterans who have already gotten good, and newbies who need to “git gud”. Flexibility and scalability is the order of the day, as the team really wants to be able to give gamers an immersive experience they can hop into without having to hop over a ton of learning obstacles to enjoy the core game.

The original game is currently available with updated visuals for $14.99, but Ultimate ADOM is due for release on home consoles, PC and mobile devices during the tail end of 2018.

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