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Find The Candy 3 Gameplay Walkthrough

FTC Winter and Square Dnio’s Find The Candy 3 is still garnering players even several years after its release. Some gamers have had trouble finding the candy in certain levels, but don’t worry, there’s a walkthrough guide available for Find The Candy 3.

YouTuber FlashSmash has a 12 minute walkthrough guide, showcasing where each of the stars are located and where each of the candy pieces are located in each of the levels. You can check out the walkthrough video below.

In Room 1 you’ll find the first star right out in the open to the left of the giant green tube. The second star is located behind the candy cane suspended in the air, and the third star is just above the flower printed on the background directly next to the pipe on the right side of the screen.

Once you collect all three of the stars, pull the lever to pull up the candy inside the green tube to take the candy.

In Room 2, you’ll find the stars just outside the puzzle box, and the candy in the bottom right hand corner.

For Room 3, you’ll find the first star in the painting on the grass next to the horse on the right. You’ll find the second star next the letter ‘A’ and the third star by the letter ‘Z’. Move the spear out of the Indian’s hand and it will bring down the candy.

Room 4: The first star is inside the hippo’s mouth. The second star is located behind the green lock box. The third star is on the upper right hand shelf. Use the lever to have the hippo eat each of the chocolates until the last chocolate reveals a key. Use the key to open the lockbox and the candy is located inside.

Room 5: The first star is located on the metal box on the conveyor belt. The second star is on the wooden chute door. The third Star is located behind the metal fan near the brick wall.

Keep clicking the temperature gauge to turn on the furnace and some candy will drop into the furnace. Once the candy comes out of the end of the machine you can click on it to complete the stage.

Room 6: The first star is located right next to the magnet. The second star is located on the blue block, and the third star is on the right hand side of the throne. Proceed to press the left and right dials to activate the magnet to pick up the blocks and dump them into the basket. You’ll need to use the magnet to drop the two brown blocks into the crate and the little monster on the throne will give you a candy.

Room 7: There’s a star located behind the silver box on the ground by the right. The there’s a second star located on the wall just above the box that has “knock knock” on it. If you knock the box multiple times a third star is inside, along with a key. Press the button and lower the magnet to pull up the cage and acquire the candy.

Room 8: The first star is on the shelf, the second star is in the middle of the wooden shelf just above the bus suspended above the carrier, and the third star is just above the cabin of the carrier. Move the soldiers from the book shelf and topple over the trophy. Use the key to activate the tank to roll it up on the flatbed. Activate the carrier truck to move it out of the way to acquire the candy.

Room 9: The first star is in the driver seat of the wooden truck. The second star is on the wallpaper in the middle of the room. The third star is located on the left side of the machine. Roll the apple into the machine and use the truck to push it over to the nail. Have the snail inside the hut hop onto the jar and then take the candy.

Room 10: The first star is located on the makeshift cannon. The second star is located in the balloon hovering just over the cannon. The third star is located behind the balloon to the far right of the screen. Fire the color-coded cannon balls at the corresponding balloons until you pop all the balloons and locate the candy underneath.

Room 11: Raise the yellow balloon and take the first star. The second star is located next to the red valve on the left side. The third star is located behind the box; use the super pump to pump up the balloons and then hover the balloons over to the box to lift it out of the way to retrieve the key and the star. Use the key on the lock and then crank the valve to aim the cannon and break the box to retrieve the candy.

Room 12: The first star is located just under the wooden shelf. The second star is located on the brick wall to the left of the wooden truck. The third star is directly behind the top tip end of the cannon. Break open the object to grab the key, unlock the valve and crank it around to fire it at the glass ball with the candy inside. When it breaks open take the candy.

Room 13: The first star is on the top shelf. Break the shelf and have the strawberry roll into the basket. Click the present and reveal the second star on the shelf just below the top shelf on the left. Break the lower shelf and have the blueberry roll into the cart. Break the middle shelf on the right of the screen and have the raspberry roll into the cart. The last star is also located in the middle of the shelf on the right. Once all the fruit are in the cart, the candy will appear.

Room 14: The first star is located on the far left hand side of the screen beneath the painting. The second star is located on the far right side of the shelf next to the paint cans. The third star is next to the canvas about the mid-way up. You’ll then need to apply the paint in the right order: yellow on the far left, then green, then blue, then red, as depicted in the image below. Once the colors are complete you’ll be able to grab the candy.


Room 15: The first star is located in the middle of the spiderweb. The second star is located at the far end of the lower left side of the spiderweb. There are three pieces of small candy wrapped up in the spiderweb. You’ll need to untangle them and place them into the lock box. Once all three pieces are untangled and placed in the box, it will open up and the multi-colored, larger piece of candy will be located inside.

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